Adding Connectivity
Hospital customers are demanding interoperability from medical devices. It improves and simplifies patient care. They want reliable, secure delivery of medical device status and data to patient records, consolidated displays, alarm management systems, and clinical decision support applications. We can help your device deliver standards compliant messages easily understood by hospital data consumers
Interoperability Libraries
Tested interoperability code to embed in your software. Output data direct from your device in HL7, IHE, IEEE compliant messaging frameworks understood by leading integration engines and EMR systems. Code is compliant with multiple operating systems and C++ standard, other languages on request.
Gateway Boxes
IMT Gateway boxes attach to your existing output ports and translate your proprietary data output into standards complaint messages. Sitting outside your device the box is regulated under MDDS and generally does not require an incremental regulatory submission. Private label or resell the box yourself, or send your customers to us.
Cloud Connectivity Platform
Configure and update Gateway boxes from the cloud. Provide secure data transmission from your device to hospital data systems. See all connected devices and their status for fleet management or performance analytics. Available as a white label product or direct form us to your customer.